Thursday 4 June 2020

B for black , black is beautiful

There is love in holding and there is love in letting go, I'll not stop you, I'll let you go .” she said, in a dejected voice.
Sweet heart, I'm not happy either! You know how much I love you and Alok, it's dreadful to think of my life without you two.” he comforted.
Then what makes it so crucial for you to go!? Why don't you resign? We'll hunt for some other job and will make it work”, she urged with moist eyes.
Sweetie, I have to work, so that many Sita and Alok of the country may sleep soundly”. 
She inclined towards his shoulder and asked - “When will you revert back to us then”? 

On the day when the sky would seem endless with the millions of stars like beacons of hope for all the lost souls of the world and 
bathed in the light of Sun, the moon would seem magnificent than even the stars around.
 A giant sea swell would seem to transfer all of its energy back to the universe and
 lord Indra would throw a flash of forked lightning and a great clap of thunder will come close upon each other and a curtain of rain would beat down from the heaven”,
he answered with warmth and looked at her in adoration. Perhaps, the idea of reverting back home this time seemed implausible to him .
 For the first time, Kernel Vikram Sharma's eyes were shedding tears of separation may be because at that moment he was a father and a husband longing for their love...
He embraced his son and wife Sita.
He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, gently rubbing her arm. In his embrace, she sunk into the warmth of his side, it felt like his warmth had made the room even warmer.
Please come back soon”,
the words hardly managed to break out as the sobs she was holding in choked her voice back. His chin rested on top of her head. His arms clenched her tighter.
I'll come back soon”, he promised!
When they finally parted, Sita felt his absence as a cold wind, wishing she could keep him wrapped around her arms like a well worn sweater forever...

He left, and the time kept on rolling until the day she received a letter in which it was written that
- "Kernel Vikram Sharma was martyred!!"
He departed.....he left so that even his mortal remains didn't come back!

 25 years have passed since then but Sita, Priya's dadi, still waits for his phone call.
 Death is an inevitable truth and so is love...
 “B for blue, blue mane Neela
Aasmaan hai Neela, pani geela geela
Samundar hai Neela, priya ka frock dheela”

 Hey!! My angel has woke up, she wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.
 It's been 4 years since grandma learned to be happy all over again, since when Priya came to this world.
 But unfortune accompanied her, when she was 2 years old she met an accident and lost her eyesight, good thing is her eyesight can be revived .
All they need is a donor and money for the surgery. Priya's mom and dad both have to work to accrue money for her surgery.
 Priya used to love blue colour before she met an accident and out of this love, she composed her first poem which she used to recite every morning. Unaware of the gloom surrounding her, she appended 2 more lines in her composition -
 "B for blind
   B for black, black is beautiful!!"


  1. Wow really.... its touching 😃

  2. That is smashing .....,,🎅✌👍

  3. Just wow! It seriously touched me....

  4. Bhenna kux jydaa bda hh

  5. Are wahhh very nice keep on writing 😉

  6. Amazing.Keep it up Dear. In single word superbbbb👍👍👍

  7. Great work ����.. keep writing such enormous stories...

  8. Perfect too good . But keep writing.

  9. Please continue writing.

  10. लेखन के संसार में नवोदित कलमकार पुष्पा का स्वागत है। इस कहानी के जरिए उनके भीतर की लेखिका ने पदार्पण किया है। एक शॉर्ट स्टोरी का बेहतरीन उदाहरण है ये कहानी। वर्णनात्मक भाषा के साथ सारे मनोभावों को प्रकट करती यह कहानी पाठक को भावुक कर जाती है। लेखिका छोटी स्पेस में भी डिटेलिंग के साथ क्रिया और गतिविधियों को अभिव्यक्त कर रही है। इंद्र के द्वारा वज्र फेंकने वाला पैराग्राफ काव्यात्मक है जो इस लघु कथा को एक विशाल फलक देता है। B फॉर ब्लू जैसी राइमिंग भी शामिल है। कहानी का अंत बहुत भावुक कर देता है। जब B फॉर ब्लू की जगह B फॉर ब्लैक पंक्ति गाना पड़ती है। B फॉर ब्लाइंड पंक्ति की ज़रूरत नही है। वह पाठक के भीतर चलेगी। सुगठित भाषा के साथ कहानी की दुनिया में युवा लेखिका का स्वागत और शुभ कामनाएं। आशा है इस ब्लॉग पर निरंतर मौलिक रचनाएं पढ़ने को मिलेंगी।

  11. It's very Nice and Beautiful story, the purity of love is well written, Lovely.


B for black , black is beautiful

“ There is love in holding and there is love in letting go, I'll not stop you, I'll let you go .” she said, in a dejected voice. “...